«People have become too depend on technology»
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Если материал и наш сайт сочинений Вам понравились - поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок!Recently the issue of people’s addiction to technologies has aroused heated debates. Some are convinced that humankind depends too much on the results of technological process. However, others believe that the attachment to technology is not so strong to be the problem.
In my opinion, technologies are harmful in terms of people’s excessive dependence on them. First of all, technologies make people too weak to survive in a situation when a person does not have any technological assistance, for instance, on their own with nature. Besides, people became to spend more time on such results of technological breakthrough as the Internet or TV rather than on family and friends. From my point of view, communications with people are way more significant and the neglect of it in favor of technological devices is the expression of nothing but addiction.
However, technologies make people’s existing easier and more productive.
Being used in completely all spheres of life, they are crucial for the development of humankind. So it is believed that the need of people for technology is objective.
Nevertheless, I suppose that this point of view has disadvantages. Of course, technological inventions are necessary, but for some people life becomes too easy. Instead of being productive they sit before the TV or surf the Internet all day long, becoming coach potatoes. This is exactly the exorbitant dependence of people on technology.
To sum up, though the problem of technology influence on humankind is rather controversial, I strongly believe that nowadays the dependence of people on technology is obviously more than it should be.
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