Most teachers believe that all subjects at school are equally useful

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Сочинения» » Most teachers believe that all subjects at school are equally useful

The problem of the choice studying subjects has always aroused heated debates. Some people are convinced that pupils should focus on certain lessons at school. However, others believe that it is necessary to learn everything. Let us speculate what makes them think so.

Personally, I think that nowadays children should study different subjects, but not equally. I believe pupils should focus o what they will use in life. Firstly, if someone wants to be an economist, what does he need physics for? Secondly, high school students have very busy days preparing for their exams but some teachers believe that their subject is not less important and give a lot of homework.

However, some people think that all subjects at school are essential.

They say that you musy study them equaly, regardless of what you will really eed in life. The reason for this is diversified development.

Nevertheless, I do not support the above mentioned idea. One should take into account the fact that pupils should not be overwhelmed with work. If children study all subjects equally, they either will not be wel prepared for their exams in the necessary subjects, or if they learn all diceplines equally strongly, they can effect their health.

In conclusion, learn is important in our time. Despite the arguments of various skeptics. I am absolutely sure that pupils need to spend a little time on lessons which are not necessary to them, but devote most of the time left to the subjects usefull for them in their future life.

Полезный материал по теме:
  1. Most teachers believe that all subjects at school are equally useful.
  2. High school students should study only the subjects they choose.
  3. It is important for high school students to study compulsory subjects, even if they do not see any need for them in the near future.
  4. “It's important for high school students to study compulsory subjects, even if they don't see any need for them in the near future”
  5. It’s important for high school students to study compulsory subjects even if they don’t see any need for them in the near future.

Most teachers believe that all subjects at school are equally useful Стр. 1
Most teachers believe that all subjects at school are equally useful
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