The former glory and present loneliness is the problem over which Tatyana Tolstaya reflects.

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The former glory and present loneliness is the problem over which Tatyana Tolstaya reflects.

This socio-moral issue is very relevant for a long time. Many writers, poets, philosophers and public figures reasoned and reasoned over it.

Many people, the author believes, who once were famous and popular, "bathed" in glory and had crowds of fans, by the end of their life they are completely alone, forgotten and useless to anyone.

I share the position of the author.

Indeed, loneliness is a hard lot for most celebrities. People who were once popular and known throughout the country, the world, aged, remain at best only with the family. And it is very difficult for them to accept their own unnecessaryness.

Let's recall the life of the famous actor Georgy Vitsin. By the end of his days, there was no trace of his admirers and past glory. The actor was very worried about his oblivion. In the last way, only his beloved wife, daughter and several old women-neighbors came to him.

Another vivid example is the fate of Semyon Farada. All forgotten, for several years he was confined to bed. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

His family struggled to raise money for expensive medicines. And although the newspaper often wrote about the trouble of a well-known actor, everything that the society "was honored" to help him-a thousand rubles paid by the Russian Guild of actors. I can imagine how insulting it was to realize this to the former favorite of the public.

Thus, I can conclude that people who have known the glory, the applause of the crowd, several times more difficult to accept their loneliness.

The former glory and present loneliness is the problem over which Tatyana Tolstaya reflects.

This socio-moral issue is very relevant for a long time. Many writers, poets, philosophers and public figures reasoned and reasoned over it.

Many people, the author believes, who once were famous and popular, "bathed" in glory and had crowds of fans, by the end of their life they are completely alone, forgotten and useless to anyone.

I share the position of the author. Indeed, loneliness is a hard lot for most celebrities. People who were once popular and known throughout the country, the world, aged, remain at best only with the family. And it is very difficult for them to accept their own unnecessaryness.

Let's recall the life of the famous actor Georgy Vitsin. By the end of his days, there was no trace of his admirers and past glory. The actor was very worried about his oblivion. In the last way, only his beloved wife, daughter and several old women-neighbors came to him.

Another vivid example is the fate of Semyon Farada. All forgotten, for several years he was confined to bed. His family struggled to raise money for expensive medicines. And although the newspaper often wrote about the trouble of a well-known actor, everything that the society "was honored" to help him-a thousand rubles paid by the Russian Guild of actors. I can imagine how insulting it was to realize this to the former favorite of the public.

Thus, I can conclude that people who have known the glory, the applause of the crowd, several times more difficult to accept their loneliness.

Полезный материал по теме:
  1. What kind of people are capable of setting high goals is the question over which Tatyana Tolstaya reflects.
  2. What is valued in the higher strata of modern society is the problem over which Tatyana Tolstaya is discussing.
  3. The loneliness and unhappiness of beautiful people is the problem over which L. Petranovskaya reflects.
  4. The loneliness of man is the problem over which VA Sollogub is arguing.
  5. Whether loneliness affects personality is the problem over which M. Shirokova argues.

The former glory and present loneliness is the problem over which Tatyana Tolstaya reflects. Стр. 1
The former glory and present loneliness is the problem over which Tatyana Tolstaya reflects.
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The former glory and present loneliness is the problem over which Tatyana Tolstaya reflects. Стр. 2
The former glory and present loneliness is the problem over which Tatyana Tolstaya reflects.
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