Social media
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Если материал и наш сайт сочинений Вам понравились - поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок!Nowadays social media have taken off. Some people say that communication in the Internet is essential for modern teenagers, while others claim that it is not so beneficial for young people. So is social media interaction important for modern teenagers?
As far as I’m concerned, communication in the Internet is very advantageous for young people today. First and foremost, in the Net teenagers are given a chance to find new friends easier than in real life. In the virtual world nobody knows your psychological problems or your lack of appearance. Secondly, these days teenagers are always busy with homework and extra lessons, that is why fast communication between friends, which is given by the social networks, is very convenient and handy.
Thirdly, in the Internet young people can easily swap the information. It might be useful while doing school projects on different topics.
Nevertheless, other people think that social media interaction might be hazard for children in both psychological and physical health. It is said that teenagers may get addicted to social networks. Therefore, they will lack life communication, which is necessary for all humans. What is more, the often use of social media might lead to problems with the eyesight.
Despite this argument, I think that parents should always control the time of communication in the Internet. Very often children do not know the verge, because of this, they need to be constantly monitored to avoid bad consequences.
All things considered, though communication in the Net might affect young people’s health and psychological condition, I strongly believe that social media interaction plays one of the most important roles in teenagers’ lives. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.
Due to the Internet, they are given a wonderful opportunity to make friends, communicate and transfer the information.
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