Having a pet is not just fun

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A lot of people keep a pet at home.They buy it because of their children' wish. But ut us not so easy to keep a pet as they think.

In my opinion, having a pet is a great responsibility as we have to walk them and feed them. What is more, or pets should be examined and vaccinated by a vet. In addition, pets demand special living conditions, they cannot exist without and equipped place. For example, cats will scratch our furniture and walls is they do not have a special board for scratching.

Other people say that keeping a pet is not so difficult, because lots of ready-made food for animals is sold. They also suppose their pets are only a toy for their children. When they buy animals for kids, they think that their children will take care of pets by themselves.

However, I totally disagree with this opinion.

Firstly, this food can be even harmful for our cats' and dogs' health. Secondly, children are not able to get up so early and walk a pet, to carry it to a vet, they simply want to play with their animals as with funny and cute live toys.

To sum it up, I would like to say that keeping a pet is a great responsibility, because our pets are not simple toys, they are live beings like everyone of us.

To sum it up, I would like to say that keeping a pet is a great responsibility, because our pets are not simple toys, they are live beings like everyone of us.

To sum it up, I would like to say that keeping a pet is a great responsibility, because our pets are

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Having a pet is not just fun Стр. 1
Having a pet is not just fun
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