Clothes people are wearing can influence their behaviour

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Сочинения» » Clothes people are wearing can influence their behaviour

Today we cannot imagine our life without clothes. Some people claim that clothes really can influence people’s behaviour. However, other people believe that clothes cannot change the way you behave. I am convinced that it is the fact that we feel and act differently in different clothes.

Firstly, the colour and the style of a thing you wear make you look and behave in dissimilar ways. For example, a person who wears a costume in an office feels more confident. Moreover, many schools force their students to wear a uniform to make them more concentrated on their study. Secondly, an outrageous outfit makes people stand out from the crowd. That means that people wearing these clothes do not care about other people’s opinion.

They let themselves do what they like.

On the other hand, there are people who think that they do not change their behaviour while wearing different clothes. They say that what we wear can change only our appearance as our behaviour depends on our personality.

Nevertheless, I strongly disagree with this point of view because many psychologists have come up with the idea that some clothes change people’s behaviour. They become more relaxed and free in comfortable clothes. What is more, almost everyone tries to wear suitable clothes to not be standing out of the crowd.

To sum up, I would like to say that clothes impact on a wearer. People feel more confident and free in comfortable clothes.

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Clothes people are wearing can influence their behaviour Стр. 1
Clothes people are wearing can influence their behaviour
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